West Bloomfield, Michigan

Our Bible Studies
"[Jesus said,] 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know
the truth, and the truth will set you free' " (John 8:31b-32).
We believe that the Word of Jesus is the greatest treasure God has given this world,
for it is in the Word that we find freedom, and it is in the Word that we find Truth.
There Jesus reveals to us who He is and what He has done for us. And through that
message, God breaks the chains of sin, fills us with heavenly peace, and gives to us
eternal life. Indeed, there is nothing better we can do in this world than study Jesus'
Therefore, we offer many different opportunities at St. Mark's for both adults and children to grow in the Word. Below you will find specific information on our various regular programs.

Sunday Adult Bible Class - Every Sunday, 10:45-11:45 a.m.
Our Adult Bible Class meets every Sunday, downstairs in the fellowship hall, immediately after worship. This study is led by our visiting pastors and they often teach on the scripture reading for that Sunday. It is a great opportunity for anyone to get to know the Word of God in a casual and friendly setting. Snacks are normally provided.
Wednesday Nights in Christ youth program - Every Wednesday, 5:15 - 6:45 p.m. (Sep.-May)
Our Wednesday Nights in Christ youth program meets every Wednesday during the school year from 5:15 - 6:45 p.m. Classes are free and open to all children, preschool - 5th grade. Children may be enrolled in this program at any time during the year by registering online or by contacting the church office. The evening begins with dinner for students and any parents who want to stay from 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. Then from 5:45 - 6:15 p.m., the kids are taught a Bible lesson using felt boards and figures. And from 6:15 - 6:45 p.m., students will do a craft, play a game or learn a "life skill" from a special speaker.
Confirmation Classes - Weekly during the school year
We offer weekly confirmation classes for students, grades 6-8. These classes are taught by one of our vacancy pastors and are intended to prepare students to participate in the Rite of Confirmation, in which they will publicly affirm their faith before the congregation. This is not a graduation, but a joyous acknowledgment that these young Christian men and women have been instructed in the faith and have taken another step in becoming lifelong learners. To enroll your child in our confirmation program, please contact our church office. This is a 3-year program, following the structure below:
- In year 1 (6th grade), students will study the Scriptures, becoming familiar with the stories and structure of the Bible.
- In year 2 (7th grade), students will explore more deeply the theology of the Bible, using Luther's Small Catechism.
- In year 3 (8th grade), students will examine the Christian life, considering how we put our faith into action.
Men's Bible Study - First Saturday of the Month, 9-10:30 a.m.
On the first Saturday of the month, the men of our congregation meet at St. Mark's, or at a nearby restaurant (Greek Jalapeno, 6636 Cooley Lake Rd), to enjoy breakfast together and study the Word of God. Afterward, those who are interested will also often take part in different "manly" activities (shooting clay pigeons, horseshoes, cleaning up the church property, etc.). This is a great opportunity to be formed together as men of God's kingdom! All are welcome. Please check the church calendar for more information.