West Bloomfield, Michigan
Our Worship Services
We believe that when we gather for worship Jesus is present among us, coming to us in love to
forgive our sins and give us eternal salvation. That is, we believe that worship is a holy moment,
where heaven meets earth and we stand in the presence of God Himself. It is a time to step away
from the noise and the burdens of everyday life and be renewed and refreshed by our Creator.
Therefore, we strive to conduct all our services with reverence and humility, exalting the Lord in
We also seek to follow, as much as we can, the ancient and traditional practices of the church
regarding worship – not simply for the sake of tradition, but because we believe these proclaim
Jesus most clearly and most fully in every age.
At St. Mark’s we offer a variety of worship services. You can find more information below:
Sunday Morning Worship - Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Our Sunday morning worship service (called the “Divine Service”) is our primary worship service during the week. It follows the historic liturgy and normally lasts a little over an hour. Here you will find beautiful hymnody and a rich liturgy, which serve to proclaim Jesus in a relevant way while connecting us back with the people of God of ancient times. This is a family-friendly service, and all are welcome. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated weekly at this service (please see below for a statement of our beliefs and practices regarding this sacred gift).
On the Sacrament of Holy Communion: We believe that when we receive Holy Communion together, we are publicly declaring both our unity in Christ and our agreement in doctrine (1 Cor. 10:16-17; 1 Cor. 1:10). We also believe that if we receive this sacrament in unbelief, we risk God's judgment (1 Cor. 11:27-30).
Therefore, communion at this altar is reserved for those who believe and confess the teachings of our church body, The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Those who have not been formally instructed in our teachings should wait to commune until completing a course of instruction with us.
If you are a VISITOR and would like to commune with us, please speak with the pastor before the service. If you will not be communing, you are welcome to kneel at the altar with your arms folded across your chest to receive a blessing, or you may simply remain in your pew.
Seasonal Midweek Services (Advent and Lent) - Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
During the seasons of Advent and Lent we hold special midweek services (in place of The Gate). These are held in our sanctuary and serve as an additional opportunity to step away from the burdens of everyday life and be restored by the Word of God, in preparation for Christmas or Easter. These services normally last for 45 minutes, and all are welcome.
Additional Services - See church schedule
In addition to the regular worship services listed above, we also hold special services throughout the year (for instance, Christmas Eve, Ascension Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, etc.). Please consult the church schedule for information regarding these services.